Happy Ada Lovelace Day - celebrating women in tech for good
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Happy Ada Lovelace Day - celebrating women in tech for good

Milly Shotter
Written by
Milly Shotter
Posted on
October 9, 2018

Diversity and inclusion is baked into our mission and culture at BGV, we believe in celebrating the radical approaches generated by diversity. With women making up 37% of employees in our portfolio ventures (according to venture data reported to BGV as at 30th June 2018) we’re pleased to be ahead of the industry standard, however we know there’s still a way to go to achieving an accurate and equal gender representation within our portfolio. With this in mind, we are honouring Ada Lovelace Day – an international day of celebration for women in science, tech, engineering and maths – by announcing a series of content titled Women in Tech For Good. We’re committed to supporting and contributing to diversity as a sustained movement rather than a trend, recognising and understanding the value that women have to bring to the tech startup scene. While gender bias is often unconscious, take the Heidi / Howard VC case study, we hope that the more this topic is consistently raised and discussed, the more it will become a widely and consciously considered matter. So for our series we’ll be looking to our portfolio to highlight and understand first hand the challenges, successes and diverse paths taken by female tech startup founders. Similarly to our ethos that social and environmental causes can co-exist with making profit, we will explore investing in women in tech and why this isn’t just a moral issue but a financial one too. This series of content will be released on our blog over the coming months, if you have any thoughts or experiences you’d like to contribute to this series, please do get in touch at milly@bethnalgreenventures.com.In the meantime, we’ve compiled a brief list of upcoming events and groups to join for those looking to be involved in the movement of women in tech for good. EventsAda Lovelace Day Live! 2018 - Oct 9thDiversity by Default: Ada Lovelace Day - Celebrating Women in Tech - Oct 9thInventory of local UK and worldwide events Tech for Good Near You Groups Tech For GoodLondon Women in Tech & Digital #YouEqualTechWomen Who CodeAda’s List